Plots to buy

Future prospects

The houses are tailored for each individual homeowner, we want to keep the architecture in the same style. The architecture is interacting with nature and the nature between the houses is maintained.

Previously, we have sold plots in Salthamn in two stages. The first stage was two beautiful plots in a small forest lane that slopes down to the sea. Here two terrace houses have now been built.

The second stage were five plots. One of the houses Villa Meltem featured in Grand Designs. 

The next stage, when we will sell more plots, will be when the detailed plan for the area is completed. Then we will continue to sell sites in stages, piece by piece, with new and exciting architecture.


In harmony with nature

Are you interested in purchasing a property in the future, then you’re welcome to send us a mail. We will then contact you as soon as we are ready for the next sale.

Are you curious about our work for the area or want to immerse yourself in the architecture, please feel free to contact architect Martina Eriksson

For other questions about Salthamn please contact us.

First Phase

Plot 1

Size: about 2.698 m2

Price: 1600000 SEK

Connection to the treatment plant is NOK 102600 incl. VAT.
Then there is an annual operating cost of approximately:
3000 SEK incl. VAT / households and years.

Connection to water including all that is needed as pump house etc. costs approximately: 75000 SEK including VAT.

To simply, live closer. Necessary needs, sensibility, energy consumption and nature.

Size: about 2.698 m2

Price: 1.600.000 kr

Connection to the treatment plant is NOK 102,600 incl. VAT.
Then there is an annual operating cost of approximately:
3,000 SEK incl. VAT / households and years.

Connection to water including all that is needed as pump house etc. costs approximately: 75,000 SEK including VAT.

To simply, live closer. Necessary needs, sensibility, energy consumption and nature.